object(stdClass)#18407 (4) {
  string(84) "https://engineeredinnovationgroup.com/testimonial/john-larsen-co-founder-ceo-vellum/"
  string(33) "john-larsen-co-founder-ceo-vellum"
  object(stdClass)#16668 (1) {
    object(stdClass)#16676 (3) {
      string(0) ""
      string(79) "https://engineeredinnovationgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Ellipse-80.svg"
  object(stdClass)#17086 (5) {
    string(484) "

“The biggest surprise and delight of my EIG experience was the seamless transition from EIG acting as my engineering team to having our own Head of Engineering.  The robustness of the MVP they built coupled with their exceptional processes and documentation made it easy for him to immediately pick up the product and run with it.  EIG successfully launched our software product AND our software team.

" ["name"]=> string(11) "John Larsen" ["title"]=> string(16) "Co-founder & CEO" ["companyLink"]=> object(stdClass)#17118 (2) { ["title"]=> string(6) "vellum" ["url"]=> string(24) "https://www.vellum.team/" } ["caseStudy"]=> object(stdClass)#18380 (1) { ["link"]=> string(106) "https://engineeredinnovationgroup.com/testimonial/john-larsen-co-founder-ceo-vellum/eig-case-study-vellum/" } } }